Thursday, July 5, 2012

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

I have always liked to make as many home cleaning products as I can, mostly because I love experimenting.  Since I just got a dishwasher installed in my house, I thought it was time to figure out how to make my own detergent for it.  This recipe is extremely easy, cheap, environmentally conscious, and best of all you get that awesome feeling of accomplishment when you can walk by the chemical aisle in Kroger...

*I chose a borax free recipe, since I'm not convinced that borax is completely safe to use on items that come in contact with food.

Too Easy to Be True Detergent

What you'll need:
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/3 cup citric acid (found at any beer supply store: they have it for $1 at Eats in Bburg)
  • 1/3 cup kosher salt
  • 10-15 drops citrus essential oil (I used grapefruit)
  • white vinegar
- Mix the soda, citric acid, and salt in an air tight container, distributing all ingredients equally
- Add essential oil and mix thoroughly again
- Keep in airtight container, use 1 tbl per load
- Add the vinegar to the rinse agent dispenser of your machine, this will keep all of the streaks off each time you run a load

It is so easy and cost effective, I'll never buy detergent again!  More musings from my stab at urban homesteading to come...

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